I always tell my customers when choosing a moving company they should first decide which company addresses their needs most completely. Then they should worry about the price. If you don't feel the necessary level of personal commitment from that company, then the old cliché applies, "You get what you pay for."

- Michael S. Hoffberger | Owner

A “Mini-MBA” in Small Business

Hoffberger Moving Services LLC takes great pride in operating as a small, certified, woman-owned business, even as our commercial moving projects continue to grow in size and number.

That’s why Margaret Hoffberger, owner and managing member, recently jumped at the chance to participate in the U.S. Small Business Administration’s 2011 Emerging 200 Initiative (e200): Street Wise Steps to Small Business Growth.

The e200 Initiative provides intensive, executive-level training for high potential small business owners. The 2011 progream was limited to only 15 businesses in Baltimore City and Baltimore County and approximately 330 businesses nationwide.

From April until October, Margaret completed more than 100 hours of class time, focusing on topics such as organization management, growth strategies, finances, market development, and strategic planning. The class included “real life” strategy sessions with local and national business leaders, and it culminated with each participant presenting a three-year strategic growth action plan about the future of his or her business.

Since the e200 program started in 2008, more than half of participating businesses have increased their revenue, and nearly two-thirds have created new jobs, according to the Small Business Administration (SBA). Business owners who have completed the training have also secured more than $9 million in new financing, the SBA says.

Here’s hoping for similar success for Hoffberger and our fellow e200 graduates in 2012.

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